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JC STEM Labs Inauguration Ceremony Video

18 Dec, 2023

CUHK has received generous support of HK$49.7 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (the Trust) to establish five Jockey Club (JC) STEM Labs. The University held an inauguration ceremony yesterday (18 December) to express gratitude and appreciation to the Trust. The five newly inaugurated JC STEM Labs including:
The JC STEM Lab of Intelligent Design Automation led by Professor Ho Tsung Yi from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
The JC STEM Lab of Astronomical Instrumentation led by Professor Yan Renbin from the Department of Physics
The JC STEM Lab of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine led by Professor Stephen Dalton from the Department of Biomedical Sciences
The JC STEM Lab of Nature-inspired Precision Medical Engineering led by Professor Mao Chuanbin from the Department of Biomedical Engineering
The JC STEM Lab of Personalised Cancer Medicine led by Professor Andreas Moeller from the Department of Otorhinolaryngology


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