Choh-Ming Li and Wei Lun Professorships

8 Mar, 2024

Congratulations to the five outstanding scholars from CUHK on being awarded the Choh-Ming Li and Wei Lun Professorships! These honours recognise the professors' tremendous efforts and remarkable achievements in teaching and research. Their research and innovation have made significantcontributions to and impacts on society, leading us towards a better future.
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Information Engineering - Professor LIEW Soung Chang
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Physics - Professor LIU Renbao
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Psychiatry - Professor WING Yun Kwok
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Cultural and Religious Studies - Professor PANG Lai Kwan
Wei Lun Professor of Statistics - Professor POON Wai Yin

We look forward to their future endeavors and accomplishments as they continue to shape our society and bring more hope and possibilities to the world.

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